For health plans with D-SNP/MLTSS/MA populations: Differentiate while Driving Improved Outcomes and Reduced Costs for MLTSS Member Population with Rovicare
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Care Transitions Software for Outpatient Care

A Whole Care Coordination Solution Empowering & Connecting The Outpatient Care Continuum.

Physician practices, stand alone Emergency Rooms, outpatient surgical centers and other outpatient providers play an important role in keeping patients well at home. Rovicare’s outpatient partners are efficiently connecting patients with the support services they need to remain safely at home. Rovicare’s unique patient module allows patients and families to easily track appointments and providers who are engaged in their care. Healthcare teams use Rovicare’s extensive provider network to quickly and easily identify providers and make patient referrals to efficiently coordinate patient care. In addition, healthcare partners are able to share patient data in an effective HIPAA compliant platform creating synergy for all providers engaged in a patient’s care and working towards greater patient satisfaction.

Patient satisfaction

The Power of Rovicare

Let the power of Rovicare make an impact for you

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Improve Patient Outcomes

Increase Patient Satisfaction

Manage Referral Network

Maintain Compliance with Freedom of Choice and Record All Care Coordination Activity

Analyze Partner Provider Performance

Real time care coordination analytics

Provider Network

Seamlessly connect with your provider network to improve care coordination.

Patient satisfactionPatient satisfaction

Rovicare’s innovative features connect healthcare providers and patients, transforming care transitions.

Key tools for outpatient care teams & partners


Rovicare’s unique design allows teams to send referrals directly to one provider with one click or to multiple providers at once quickly and easily.


Patient Dashboards give the entire team a clear view of the providers engaged with each patient, creating transparency and allowing for patient management in real time.


Communication tools create transparency. From patients and families to internal teams and external partners Rovicare has tools which make connecting simple.


Customizable surveys allows providers to engage patients, monitoring safety and satisfaction.


Rovicare’s unique design allows teams to send referrals directly to one provider with one click or to multiple providers at once quickly and easily.


Patient Dashboards give the entire team a clear view of the providers engaged with each patient, creating transparency and allowing for patient management in real time.


Communication tools create transparency. From patients and families to internal teams and external partners Rovicare has tools which make connecting simple.


Customizable surveys allows providers to engage patients, monitoring safety and satisfaction.

Patient satisfaction

As an office manager running a busy physician practice, my staff sends out 100's of referrals a week. Before Rovicare, we were sending everything via fax. We couldn’t consistently close the loop and ensure the hand-off was complete. Rovicare has transformed our process. My team is thriving. Their efficiency has increased and this is saving time and money. 

- Maribel, Office Manager

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Important information on factors affecting the patient journey and the care continuum.

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Rovicare Transitional Care Management Software
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